Entries by kevin

Mike Massey will be at Dog House Billiards

World renown pool player Mike Massey will be at Dog House Billiards this Saturday 7:00pm for a free show. Sunday clinics available starting at 1:00pm, Come take advantage of this opportunity to work with a hall of fame pool player to improve your game. $100 per person  

BCA Pool League Get New Identities

BCA Pool League The BCA Pool League is a league-sanctioning organization established in 1978 by the Billiard Congress of America (BCA) as a means to unify independent leagues around the world. In 2004, the BCA decided to sell the league to CueSports International. Today, the BCA Pool League is the oldest and largest league-sanctioning organization […]

Dog House Billiards is now open

Dog House Billiards is now open, please schedule your week 1 make-up games as soon as possible, however we understand that some matches well take more time to schedule as many people are still displaced from the fire. Please be patient with others and don’t forget the first time you play this session either week […]