Scotch Doubles Playoffs Sunday the 27th for all teams. Round #1 starts at 1:00 pm.

There will be a new round every 1 1/2 hours. Round #1 will have the 5th place team play the 4th place team (top half) and the 10th place team play the 9th place team (bottom half) . The winners will move on to round #2 at 2:30 to face the 3rd & 8th place teams, winners will play round #3 at 4:00 against 2nd and 7th place teams, The winners will play final round at 5:30 against 1st & 6th place team. GOOD LUCK !

2020 BCA World Championships

BCA Pool League
​World Championships

March 11-21, 2020
Las Vegas, NV



New for this year.

New dates – March 11-21.
The BCA Pool League World Championships will now be held in an earlier and cooler time of year in Las Vegas as part of the CueSports International Expo. The feedback about this date change has been overwhelmingly positive and we are confident that you will enjoy Las Vegas much more in March than the previous July timeframe.
No male/female requirement for scotch doubles.
​Due to overwhelming feedback and having FargoRate to accurately rate players, the male/female requirement for scotch doubles has been eliminated. Scotch doubles teams may consist of male/female, male/male or female/female.
Pro events return.
​Predator and CueSports International (CSI) are excited to announce the return of the $100k added Predator World 10-Ball Championship and the $25k added Diamond Las Vegas Open during the BCA Pool League World Championships. These events were a huge success in 2019 and you will get to enjoy them again in 2020. They will be played on 9-ft Diamond pool tables in the Pavilion Ballroom of the Rio Convention Center and will be free to watch in person for all BCA Pool League members. You can’t get this at any other league event.


2020 Schedule of Events



Acting on proposals generated by the membership at the 2019 American CueSports Alliance (ACS) Nationals in Las Vegas, NV, the 2019-20 ACS Board of Directors approved two new policies effective immediately for future national-ACS-produced events: OMEGA BILLIARDS ACS MIDWEST 8-BALL CHAMPIONSHIPS and the OMEGA BILLIARDS ACS NATIONALS.


1). 9-Ball Team Upgrades: Roster members of 9-Ball Teams at the ACS Nationals that place in the top 6% of the field will be upgraded to the next level if on a future team. Example: All roster members of a team that places first place in the Mens Standard 9-Ball Team division will be considered “Open Team” players if placed on the roster of either a 9-Ball Team or 8-Ball Team. If 1st place in the Womens Open 9-Ball Team division, each player on the winning roster will be rated as an “Advanced Team” player in both future 9-Ball and 8-Ball Team play at the ACS Nationals. Being upgraded as a Team player will not necessarily affect the player’s Singles rating. This policy will begin reflecting the results from the 2019 ACS Nationals and hereafter.

2). New Professional Guidelines: Professional-rated players are ineligible to compete in ACS-produced events. The ACS will recognize as “professional-rated” 1). those players already listed as “Professional” on the ACS ratings list; 2). any female player Fargo-rated over 630 or male player Fargo-rated over 720; 3). or any player adjudged by the ACS tournament committee to be “Professional” from “Known Ability (KA).” Players may contact ACS to lobby to be downgraded if they can show justifiable reasons. “Fargo rating” is only one of many resources ACS uses in determining the skill level of a player.”

These guidelines do NOT override the guidelines that an ACS-affiliated state association or CCS (Canada) may publish. Players should take care to read the entry guidelines for any event they desire to enter.

2020 BCA Pool League World Championships “New Date for 2020”

2020 BCA Pool League World Championships
March 11-21, 2020
Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas, NV

Singles | Doubles | Teams
Juniors | Seniors | Men | Women
8-Ball | 9-Ball | 10-Ball

~ 40 divisions
~ 40 exhibitors
~ 700 mini-tournaments
~ 300 Diamond pool tables

“The Greatest Pool Event in the World!”

8 Ball Bar Table Tournament Friday Nights 8:00 pm at Dog House Billiards.

$11 entry Double elimination $1 to 8 ball pot, BCA rules. Sign up by 7:30 PM 32 players first come first serve so don’t be late.


Teams in all divisions may be composed of qualified league members from anywhere within the same ACS-sanctioned league operator’s local league system.There will no longer be a “core player” minimum in the composition of a team.

For all Scotch Doubles (man/woman) divisions, any qualified ACS league members from any CS/CCS sanctioned leagues throughout North America may be partners. In other words, partners are no longer required to be from the same ACS/CCS league.