Last day to sign-up for the next session is May 19th, you can sign-up at the Dog House or online at Session starts week of 6/9/24

Attention women players, don’t miss this opportunity to play against some of the best bay area players on May 4th at Dog House Billiards.

The West Coast Women’s Tour is feeling excited.

On behalf of The West Coast Women’s Tour we welcome every one to our 2024 Session.
We are grateful for our sponsors and contributors Adam Stickles, Realtor – The Stickles Team, Robbie Lyng with Custom Cues Repairs and The Diablo Valley Pool Leagues. Tina Mendoza
We are excited to welcome a new pool room to our list of sponsors. Dog House Billiards
May be an image of billiards and text that says 'TWCWT THE WEST COAST WOMEN' TOUR 2024 MAY 4(8&9Ball) Dog House Billiards Cotati SEPT14 The Jointed Cue Sacramento JUN 29 Hard Times Billiards Sacramento OCT 19 Family Billiards San Francisco JULY 13 Diamond Billiards Modesto NOV 2 Jimmy's Billiards Milpitas AUGUST 24 Buffalo Billiards Petaluma 10:00 AM Pool room opens for practice and sign ups 10:30 AM Players meeting 11:00 AM Matches start $40 Entry ($5 toward FORMAT event TWCWT members second chance, tournamentdirectr) $50 Membership: :$40 fund, additional events, ALTERNATE BREAKS asked pay nembershi balance $30) TWCWT.COM f TOUR SPONSORED BY ÛUSTMCU REPAIRS'

Sign-up now for our next session. Play starts week of March 10th and will be a short session (7-weeks). Keep your game sharp in between the national events for BCA & ACS in Las Vegas.

Congratulations Raymond !!! Hats off to Raymond Mercado for his heart and determination he showed after losing his first match and grinding his way to a 5th place finish tied with Brian of Canada.

Read article here:

ACS National Championships Early Registration is now open for the ACME 2024 ACS National Championships at the Westgate Resort & Casino

in Las Vegas May 11-18.Hard copy entry forms may also be downloaded from the ACS website.


BCA Registration ends JANUARY 22nd. Captains make sure you are signed up if your going Feb 21- Mar 2.

Once signed up see Ron for your winnings from the playoff matches.