BCA Pool League Get New Identities

BCA Pool League
The BCA Pool League is a league-sanctioning organization established in 1978 by the Billiard Congress of America (BCA) as a means to unify independent leagues around the world. In 2004, the BCA decided to sell the league to CueSports International. Today, the BCA Pool League is the oldest and largest league-sanctioning organization in the world and is also powered by FargoRate.

Today, BCA Pool League denotes Billiards & Cuesports Association Pool League but will continue to be referred to as the BCA Pool League. This name accurately reflects what it is – a global association for all types and sizes of pool leagues. We are confident that the new identity properly conveys this image and will resonate with our members. The primary and alternate versions of the new BCA Pool League identity are shown below.

For more information about the BCA Pool League, visit www.playbcapool.com.


Reminder to all teams this is week #2 on the schedule, Please fill out the official sign-up sheet (blue) and Code of Conduct.

If you didn’t play last session the yearly dues ($30) is owed. Please check with your team members and the opposing team captain to establish a date for the week #1 make up matches.

Division 4 schedule change, Hot Pockets added.

Scotch Doubles Playoffs Sunday November 3rd for all teams. Round #1 starts at 1:00 pm.

Scotch Doubles Playoffs Sunday November 3rd for all teams. Round #1 starts at 1:00 pm.

There will be a new round every 1 1/2 hours. Round #1 will have the 5th place team play the 4th place team (top half) and the 10th place team play the 9th place team (bottom half) . The winners will move on to round #2 at 2:30 to face the 3rd & 8th place teams, the winners will play round #3 at 4:00 against 2nd and 7th place teams, the winners will play final round at 5:30 against 1st & 6th place teams. GOOD LUCK !

Dog House Billiards is now open

Dog House Billiards is now open, please schedule your week 1 make-up games as soon as possible, however we understand that some matches well take more time to schedule as many people are still displaced from the fire. Please be patient with others and don’t forget the first time you play this session either week 1 or week 2 matches ALL CAPTAIN’S are to get the roster sheet completely filled out by every player and the code of conducts are signed. Good luck to everyone and HAVE FUN !!


We will plan to start next week with week #2 on the schedule and plan for make up games for week #1 Please be safe and take care of your family, friends and neighbors.

Dog House Billiards is closed today.

We hope you and your family are safe.